With the gracious Approval of Beloved Huzoor (aba), MKA Belgium is embarking on a milestone journey to acquire its own property, serving as the National Headquarters in. To achieve this objective a 5-year collection campaign has been launched.

Just like other Jama’ati organizations, MKA Belgium is also growing day by day, so are its initiatives and activities. This growth brings along a demand of administrative space along with other needs. Currently MKA does not have such facilities, the lack of which is felt.

Office space, a meeting room, extracurricular space (studio, …) and storage space are all facilities that MKA is looking for in its headquarters, which can all be accommodated in a single-family sized house.

This property will not only serve as the administrative headquarters, but it will be open to all members to MKA to use and benefit from. It will serve as a hub and center point for the servants of Ahmadiyyat.



1. Five Year Target (as approved by Beloved Huzoor aba): 300k euro




2. Why is there a need for Headquarters if MKA has been functioning without one before?

The running of organizations brings about some requirements, such as office space, etc. MKA Belgium is at the forefront at serving Islam Ahmadiyyat, serving the creation and much more. The majlis is growing by the day and so are its activities. Until now MKA was functioning without a proper HQ. Today the time has come that a need of a HQ is felt. Allah has always provided its Jama’at in times of need, with the condition that Jamaat members put in effort to fulfil the need. It is now time that the Khuddam of Belgium, as always, rise and grasp this opportunity to serve and write their names in the history of Jama’at Belgium.


3. Why don’t we just use the offices in our mosque?

The Jama’at is growing day by day, which also increases the demands of such an organization. Unfortunately, currently no such space is available in our mosques which can serve as MKA HQ and meet with its needs. Furthermore, MKA serves as an independent auxiliary organization under the banner of Islam Ahmadiyyat, hence the need for separate headquarters.


4. Does MKA in other countries have their own headquarters?

Yes! Our brothers in the UK, Germany and many more countries have established national headquarters in their respective countries.



You can donate how you usually donate your local chanda majlis. You can contact your local qaid majlis or local nazim maal for a donation or more info.

Donations will be collected on MKA receipt books under the newly established head of ‘Establishment of HQ’

Any questions? Contact aitmaad@khuddam.be