This webpage is designed to facilitate the Rishta Nata department of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Belgium.
Though this webpage welcomes all members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community around the globe, it still has a specific focus for serving Belgian members of the community among all of our users.
If you do not belong to Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, please note that this is not a public website and has a specific target audience. This website only intends to serve members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for the specific cause of Rishta Nata.
If you need any information about Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, you can visit our website at or our Belgian local site at
Members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community may submit their particulars/profile through filling the Rishta Nata form and submitting entirely filled form to the Department Rishta Nata by email. Download form here
If you want to register yourself in international database, please fill this online form
Contact Mohtamim Rishta Nata
Name: Farhan Naweed